Body - slimming | anti-cellulite
The detox treatment of the body bioenergy line -is a therapy constructed as a beginning of a special body treatment designed to detoxify and remove accumulated toxins. It is best for anyone who wants to try a fast and safe treatment,especially with problems conntected with water absorption and a feeling of ‘ heavy legs’. It is also recommended for pregnant women.
How does it work?
The treatment consists of a few stages. The first one includes exfoliation by smoothing scrub which is rich in mineral salts. During the next stage, liquid drainage salts are applied. Their task is to detoxify and remove excessive liquids which are left under a plastic wrap for some time. The treatment is finished by a special bioenergy massage with a firming oil.
Advantages of the treatment:
- The treatment combines special detoxyfying treatment with a general well -being
- the body bioenergy treatment is based on psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology, PNEI in short or ‘cosmetic body psychology’. PNEI is a science which analyses interactions between psyche and the environment, skin and internal body organs,focusing on the reason of imperfection rather than cosmetology
- is a part of professional bioenergy massage
- it is distinguished by a characteristic aroma of pomegranate,curcuma,sage and lychee
Who is it for?
- Skin which requires preparation for further body treatments
- Detox is the best preparation for endermology
- it is dedicated for those who have tendency for accumulating water and the feeling of ‘heavy legs’
- ideal for heat
- recommended during a failure of water cellulite conntected with lymph flow disorder
- recommended during pregnancy
Effects of the treatment:
- visible improvement of the skin’s firmness
- noticeable moisturizing
- decrease in the visibility of ‘orange peel’
- velvety, nice and smooth to touch skin
How to plan the treatment Detox Body Bioenergy?
- the treatment can be performed regardless of the time of the year. It is ideal as a preparation for further body treatments
- it does not require recovery time, you can start everyday activities immediately after the treatments
- to get the best, long term results, the number of treatments in a series is chosen by a cosmetologist
- the treatment can be connected with therapies with HI TECH technologies for body such as endermology
to keep the effects you are advised to follow home care treatments selected by a cosmetologist from the Body Bioenergy Diego dalla palma
The procedure Celldren of the Body Bioenergy line is a thorough drainage of interstitial fluids in human body. It is recommended especially for everyone with swelling cellulite, and ‘orange peel’ connected with storing the water. It is best for people who feel ‘heavy feet’
How does it work?
The treatment consists of a few stages. The first one includes exfoliation by smoothing scrub which is rich in mineral salts . During the next stage,liquid drainage salts are applied. Their task is to detoxify and remove excessive liquids. The next step is intensive. The body is wrapped with draining and modelling bandage which brings immediate effects of carved and firm body. It is left under plastic wrap for some time. The procedure is finished with a special bioenergy massage with a firming oil.
Advantages of the treatment:
- The treatment combines special detoxifying treatment with a general well -being
- the body bioenergy treatment is based on psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology, PNEI in short or ‘cosmetic body psychology’. PNEI is a science which analyses interactions between psyche and the environment, skin and internal body organs,focusing on the reason of imperfection rather than cosmetology
- the intense stage of the procedure consists of a unique,carving bandage based on plant extracts and special slimming and draining complexes
- is a part of professional bioenergy massage
Who is it for?
- loss of skin firmness
- modelling
- Celldren procedure perfectly matches Endermology series
- it is dedicated for those who have tendency for accumulating water and the feeling of ‘heavy legs’
- ideal for heat
- recommended during a failure of water cellulite connected with lymph flow disorder
Effects of the treatment:
- visible improvement of the skin’s firmness
- noticeable moisturizing
- decrease in the visibility of ‘orange peel’
- velvety, nice and smooth to touch skin
- distinctly carved body, especially in problem area such as waist, thighs, hips, and buttocks
How to plan the celldren body bioenergy procedure?
- the treatment can be performed regardless of the time of the year. It is ideal as a preparation for further body treatments
- it does not require recovery time, you can start everyday activities immediately after the treatments
- to get the best, long term results, the number of treatments in a series is chosen by a cosmetologist
- the treatment can be connected with therapies with HI TECH technologies for body such as endermology and carboxytherapy
- to keep the effects you are advised to follow home care treatments selected by a cosmetologist from the Body
The procedure cellreshape of the Body Bioenergy line is a therapy designed for people with hardened, fibrous cellulite and widespread obesity. It is distinguished by shocking action against persistent cellulite.
How does it work?
The procedure consists of a few steps. The first one is an exfoliating stage by acid peeling rich in alfahydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid, almond or lactic acid. The next one is a preparatory stage during which liquid draining salts are applied. They detoxify and remove excessive liquids. The next stage is a special step . Velvety, anti cellulite foam is applied on selected body parts which are influenced by persistent cellulite. The procedure is also distinguished by application of thermoactive carving bandage which is left under the wrap for some time. The treatment is finished by a special bioenergy massage with the firming oil.
Advantages of the treatment:
- the procedure connects anti cellulite action with general well-being
- the procedure Body Bioenergy is based on psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology, PNEI in short or cosmetic body psychology. PNEI is a science which analyses interactions between psyche and the environment, skin and internal organs, and focuses on the reason of imperfection rather than cosmetology.
- The treatment has multidirectional action and it is shocking for persistent cellulite and liquid congestion in our body
- it has got a professional Bioenergy massage
- it is distinguished by a characteristic aroma of pomegranate, curcuma, sage and lychee
Who is it for?
- persistent, hardened cellulite
- loss of firmness and flexibility
- ideal in therapies shaping the figure and with HI Tech technologies such as Endermology, radio frequency and carboxytherapy
- dedicated for those who tend to store water
Effects of the treatment:
- visible improvement of skin firmness
- reduction of hardened fibres’ tension , which surround fatty cells and cause dimples in the skin
- reduction of ‘orange peel’
- resculpted figure
How to plan the CellRESHAPE Body Bioenergy treatment?
- the treatment can be performed regardless of the time of the year. It is ideal as a preparation for further body treatments
- it does not require recovery time, you can start everyday activities immediately after the treatments
- to get the best, long term results, the number of treatments in a series is chosen by a cosmetologist
- the treatment can be connected with therapies with HI TECH technologies for body such as endermology and carboxytherapy
- to keep the effects you are advised to follow home care treatments selected by a cosmetologist from the Body Bioenergy Diego dalla palma
The Body Focus treatment is for everyone who fights with the problem of located obesity. This therapy connects global action against cellulite and loss of tension by means of special lipolytic action on located obesity.
How does it work?
The procedure consists of a few stages. The first one is an exfoliating phase by acid peeling which includes 3 alphahydroxy acids ; glicolic. Almond and lactic acids. Liporeducing gel is applied , and it accelerates reducing and removing cellulite lumps. The next step is a special stage. Active anticellulite concentrate is applied on places liable to accumulating located fatty cells, such as belly, hips or thighs. The following step is called intensive stage. A warming mask which improves microcirculation is applied. It is ideal to fight with accumuated fat in hard to reach places. The treatment is finished by a bioenergy massage with firming oil.
Advantages of the treatment:
- the procedure connects anti cellulite action with general well-being
- the procedure Body Bioenergy is based on psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology, PNEI in short or cosmetic body psychology. PNEI is a science which analyses interactions between psyche and the environment, skin and internal organs, and focuses on the reason of imperfection rather than cosmetology.
- it has got a professional Bioenergy massage
- it is distinguished by a characteristic aroma of pomegranate,curcuma,sage and lychee
Who is it for?
- cellulite – the oily one
- located fatty cells
- therapies connected with Hi Tech technologies especially Endermology, radio frequency and carboxytherapy
- shaping the body
Effects of the treatment:
- visible improvement of skin firmness
- reduction of hardened fibres’ tension , which surround fatty cells and cause dimples in the skin
- reduction of ‘orange peel’
- resculpted figure
- reducing the body circuit
- velvety and smooth to touch skin
How to plan the total body focus Body Bioenergy treatment?
- the treatment can be performed regardless of the time of the year. It is ideal as a preparation for further body treatments
- it does not require recovery time, you can start everyday activities immediately after the treatments
- to get the best, long term results, the number of treatments in a series is chosen by a cosmetologist
- the treatment can be connected with therapies with HI TECH technologies for body such as endermology and carboxytherapy
- to keep the effects you are advised to follow home care treatments selected by a cosmetologist from the Body Bioenergy Diego dalla palma
Tone up procedure from the Body Bioenergy line is a whole body therapy which protects collagen’s and elastine ‘s fibres from degradation, protects from saggy skin caused by time flow and the change in bodyweight. It is especially designed for people fighting with stretch marks and have experienced the loss of skin flexibility. It is recommended for pregnant women.
How does it work?
It consists of few stages.
The first one is an exfoliating stage by means of acid peeling( omitted during pregnancy), the next is a special phase- an ampoule against stretchmarks is applied. The next one is an intensive stage and a velvety,firming mask is applied. The whole procedure is finished with a special bioenergy massage with the dedicated oil.
Advantages of the treatment:
- the treatment connects special,directed action with general well being
- the procedure Body Bioenergy is based on psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology, PNEI in short or cosmetic body psychology. PNEI is a science which analyses interactions between psyche and the environment, skin and internal organs, and focuses on the reason of imperfection rather than cosmetology.
- it has got a special professional massage
- it is distinguished by a characteristic fragnance of Damascus rose,jasmine and peony
- its effectiveness is proved: 65% reduction in visible stretchmarks, 85 % increase in firmness,95%increase in skin elasticity
Who is it for?
- skin demanding improvement of elasticity and firmness
- skin with visible stretches , both inflammatory stage and pearl-white stretch marks
- dedicated during slimming treatments and heavy weight fluctuations
- recommended especially during pregnancy
Effects of the treatment:
- visible improvement of skin elasticity and firmness
- noticeable hydration
- reduction of visible streychmarks
- velvety,smooth to touch skin
How to plan the tone up Body Bioenergy treatment?
- the treatment can be performed regardless of the time of the year
- it does not require recovery time, you can start everyday activities immediately after the treatments
- to get the best, long term results, the number of treatments in a series is chosen by a cosmetologist ( usually 5 procedures in equal time breaks)
- the treatment can be connected with therapies with HI TECH technologies for body such as endermology and carboxytherapy or radio frequency
- works well as a regenerative treatment after sunny holidays
- to keep the effects you are advised to follow home care treatments selected by a cosmetologist from the Body Bioenergy Diego dalla palma