Body - slimming | anti-cellulite
Accent XL
Treatment by instrument Accent xl is a comfortable and painless method of electrical skin stimulation by frequency of radio waves. During the theraphy , proper skin layers and subcutaneous tissue are warmed up which leads to thermolofting of a target area. It is effective because of 2 different heads : unipolar and biopolar which adjust the kind and depth of a therapy to the patient”s needs. Treatment Accent XL turns out to be efficient in case of such problems like lack of skin firmness , cellulite, usually after loss of weight, or sagging round the shoulders , knees or neck linee.
How does it work?
During the treatment, due to the force of radiofrequency, the dermis is warmed to the temperure of 40-44 degrees centigrate. The warmth created in the skin causes shortening and densing collagen. The reason for that is that during aging the number of collagen fibres is getting smaller and smaller. They stretch because of gravitation and their structure is disordered. When the skin is heated, collagen fibres are tense again and firiblasts are stimulated to produce new collagen and elastine while the skin gets firm and flexibble.
What is more, warmth created by radio waves inducts the process of termolipolisis in the fatty tissue which leads to trigliceryds decay includes in adipocytes releasing unsaturated fat acids and glycerol. Blood circulation gets bigger and metabolism is faster, In this drainage of fatty deposits by lymphatic system and reduction of cellulite.
Advantages of the treatment:
- The treatment doe not exclude from professional activity.
- The effect are visible after a few sessions. The skin is smoothed, better tense, rejuveneted and more firm and shaped almost immediately after the treatment.
- Thanks to two heads, the treatment can be adjusted to teh patient’s indivual needs . It is possible to deal with thin, thick and covered by fatty tissue skin.
- Treatment by instrument Accent is totally painless and safe.
Who is it for?
- Lack of firmness and skin flexibility
- local fatty tissue
- cellulite
- slow metabolism
- lymphatic swelling
- stretch marks
Effects of the treatment:
- firmness, proper skin constriction
- decrease in local fatty areas
- faster metabolism, oxygenating and nourishing
- cellulite reduction
- decrease in the area of some body parts
- skin smoothing
A single treatment takes about 60-90 minutes , Its length depends on the size od target area, To shape the figure well, the treatment should be repeated 6-8 times with the frequency of one treatment per week.
To keep the best results, you are advised to perform one treatment every 6 months.
After the treatment you must remember to moisture the skin, use cosmetics containing vit C which strengthens the effects of the treatment
You must remember to drink about, 2,5 litres of water daily
After the treatment you must avoid having hot baths for 48 hours.